A Doodle Inn is a space where the focus is on drawing for fun and wellbeing. A space where drawing with other people can help foster a sense of community, and combat isolation and loneliness.

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A “space within a place”, within all types of communities. Free for the community to use. Somewhere to take a break, grab some paper and a pen, and doodle your worries away!

Support the Doodle Inn Project on Patreon and help it to grow.

“Drawing helps me…

… to feel connected, part of something basic and timeless. Not having drawn for a time, I feel that now; I can identify what was missing.”

“Drawing and doodling…

…are very meditative for me. They make me feel calm and relaxed, and bring out my creative energy. The more I draw the more creative I get in other areas of my life too.“

“My sketchbooks…

…are a record of happy moments, of quotes that have inspired me in the down moments, of friends, and of my evolution as an artist (with a small ‘a’!).“